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Originally published: Go Nomad
Father’s Day is Coming…Here are some gift ideas
We all know that some years, it’s just the same old same old, ties, booze, maybe a new grill. But this year, we’ve come up with more ideas, things you might not have thought about, to really make him feel special.
Harmony 783: Super Cool Suede Joggers for Pops
Look good, feel good, and do your body well in these attractive navy-blue suede joggers designed for daily activities and grounding while outdoors.
All Harmony783 styles feature fully conductive carbon and rubber outsoles that are bio-mechanically engineered for comfort and support. Our patent-pending technology, called Groundworks™, features 99.99% pure silver through the midsoles with microfiber footbeds, featured in every shoe, stitched with pure silver thread enabling the flow of natural energy up into one’s body.
Experience superior style and comfort, featuring padded silver-stitched insoles, plus added arch and heel support. (Suede brush included).