Our bodies are sophisticated electrical systems, but we currently have an excess of inflammation-producing positive charge in today's synthetic-laden world.
Earth’s electrons are the medicine – and it’s all free.
The problem is we do not tap into these electrons on a daily basis the way our ancestors did (walking barefoot or with leather hides on their feet and sleeping directly on the ground). Our ancestors were continuously connecting to the earth’s natural energy. Inflammatory diseases were unheard of back then.
Now you don't have to be barefoot to be grounded. With our grounding shoes, you can be grounded, even on the go.
So what's so great about electrons?
Electrons Explained
We are all bioelectrical beings. Like a battery, we need to be re-charged to function at optimum levels. Consider the earth as one enormous battery which constantly emits a subtle electrical charge and global frequency in the electromagnetic field spectrum (7.83Hz to be exact... notice something similar in our name? ☺︎). This frequency is called the Schumann Resonance.
We as humans can recharge by connecting to the ground’s electric nutrition called electrons, which give the earth’s surface a negative charge. Our bodies need electrons to function the way nature intended and to reduce the buildup of free radicals.
Our immune systems are designed to protect us 24/7, 365 days a year. Just living, breathing, sleeping, eating, digesting and the metabolic process diminishes electrons. If electrons are not replenished, inflammation sets in to wreak havoc on our immunity and health. We have all heard the medical community refer to inflammation as the “silent killer” because it is the cause of so many chronic diseases, such as: arthritis, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer’s, sleep disorders, depression and pre-mature aging. Animals in the wild experience these issues less frequently, because they are always grounded.
The Research
Over 20 research studies scientifically substantiate the benefits of grounding, which include:
✅ Balances Stress Levels
✅ Increases Energy
✅ Reduces Inflammation
✅ Decreases Chronic Pain
✅ Improves Sleep
✅ Lowers Blood Pressure
✅ Improves Circulation and Blood Viscosity
✅ Accelerates Healing
✅ Synchronizes Cortisol Hormone Secretion
✅ Improves Alignment with the Natural 24-Hour Circadian Rhythm
We are all bioelectrical beings. Like a battery, we need to be re-charged to function at optimum levels. Consider the earth as one enormous battery which constantly emits a subtle electrical charge and global frequency in the electromagnetic field spectrum (7.83Hz to be exact... notice something similar in our name? ☺︎). This frequency is called the Schumann Resonance.
We as humans can recharge by connecting to the ground’s electric nutrition called electrons, which give the earth’s surface a negative charge. Our bodies need electrons to function the way nature intended and to reduce the buildup of free radicals.
Our immune systems are designed to protect us 24/7, 365 days a year. Just living, breathing, sleeping, eating, digesting and the metabolic process diminishes electrons. If electrons are not replenished, inflammation sets in to wreak havoc on our immunity and health. We have all heard the medical community refer to inflammation as the “silent killer” because it is the cause of so many chronic diseases, such as: arthritis, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer’s, sleep disorders, depression and pre-mature aging. Animals in the wild experience these issues less frequently, because they are always grounded.
Over 20 research studies scientifically substantiate the benefits of grounding, which include:
✅ Balances Stress Levels
✅ Increases Energy
✅ Reduces Inflammation
✅ Decreases Chronic Pain
✅ Improves Sleep
✅ Lowers Blood Pressure
✅ Improves Circulation and Blood Viscosity
✅ Accelerates Healing
✅ Synchronizes Cortisol Hormone Secretion
✅ Improves Alignment with the Natural 24-Hour Circadian Rhythm
Conductive surfaces that enable you to get grounded:

✓ grass

✓ dirt & soil

✓ sand

✓ gravel

✓ unsealed concrete (like sidewalks)

✓ stone & rock (on the earth's surface)

✓ oceans, lakes, streams
NON-CONDUCTIVE SURFACES THAT PREVENT GROUNDING: ❌Asphalt ❌Carpet ❌Painted/Sealed Concrete ❌Wood ❌Rubber ❌Tar/tarmac ❌Vinyl