Ask most folks, especially these days when we have been more homebound than ever, and they’ll say spring and summer are their favorite times of the year. The arrival of warmer temperatures and longer days means there are plenty of opportunities to get outdoors and bask in the sun (there really is something to solar energy).
For many, it means it’s time to pack away the bulky winter coats, hats, and gloves, and pull out our warm-weather wardrobes—shorts, T-shirts, and of course, flip flops.
Grounding flip flops are not just for warm weather. There are plenty of folks who wear them indoors and outdoors all year long. There are many things to love about flip flops–ours in particular. Let us count thy ways:
- They are more comfortable than wearing close-toed shoes in very warm weather.
- Your feet can breathe and your soles can still be protected.
- They are versatile. You can wear a basic style to sit by the pool, a stroll beachside or choose a more sophisticated pair for a night out.
- Most styles are inexpensive.
- They’re convenient. Just slip your feet into your comfiest pair, and go!
Sometimes they are the next best thing to being barefoot, especially if they are grounding flip flops, like HARMONY783 flips flops.
Do's and don’ts of wearing flip flops
Flip flops are a basic type of footwear. They do have some noticeable differences from a close-toed shoe or sandal style when it comes to structure. You want to be aware of this when shopping for a pair.
- Buy a variety of styles. Whether you are dressing up for a special occasion, dressing down for a casual day at home, or in the backyard, flip flops work with a wide range of looks. Stock up on a few choices so you are ready for anything.
- Many flip flops may not offer support or comfort if you have back problems. Flip flops are comfortable, but they are not known for tremendous arch support. People with back problems should avoid wearing flip flops for long periods of time. The lack of support in your feet may travel up your legs and back, causing discomfort after wearing.
- Vacationing? Do wear flip flops in public areas. When traveling, bring a pair of flip flops to wear in your hotel room, restaurants or food court, and other public areas. Walking barefoot can expose you to conditions like athlete’s foot, and that is one souvenir you don’t want to bring home.
- Don’t wear flip flops for certain activities. Even the sturdiest flip flops are not appropriate for playing sports, hiking, running, or any high-impact activity simply because they lack the necessary support and structure. Sneakers and athletic footwear are the best choice for hikes or walking long distances over unpredictable terrain. Leave the flip flops for short walks, or even better, relaxing.

Flip flops: The official shoe of vacation – and summertime
Flip flops represent a life lived at a slower, more relaxed pace. It’s kind of like being on a mini-vacation anytime. Some associate them with “island fare” and those crystal blue beaches in TV ads. When you are on vacation, slip into your favorite pair to hang by the pool, walk on the beach, or just saunter around your resort or destination.
In addition, flip flops are an ideal footwear choice for grounding practitioners, because they are easy to slip on and off when a friendly piece of earth calls. For dedicated grounding practitioners, you can also combine your love of comfort and connection to the earth by wearing specially crafted grounding flip flops. When doing so, you don’t have to remove them to get grounded.
What makes grounding flip flops different?
There are some obvious differences between grounding flip flops and traditional styles. First, grounding flip flops are equipped with conductive elements, allowing the transfer of the earth’s natural energy into one’s body when walking directly on the earth’s surfaces.
HARMONY783 grounding flip flops, for instance, contain special carbon and rubber plug technology embedded in the shoe under the weight-bearing part of the foot; this area is also known as the metatarsal area or K1 point to bodyworkers. This plug allows the beneficial free flow of electrons from the earth’s surface to move through the sole, up into the wearer’s body.
Unlike many other styles, HARMONY783’s flip flops have an arch for added support. Grounding flip flops are the perfect choice for a quick trip to the spa, practicing yoga on a grounding mat indoors even when on city streets on unsealed concrete.
Find a style you like and make the most of connecting with the Earth.