What Do Anxiety, Sleep, and Grounding Have in Common?

What Do Anxiety, Sleep, and Grounding Have in Common?

Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?

  • Nervousness, restlessness, or tension
  • Sweating or trembling
  • Feelings of impending doom
  • Exhaustion
  • Periods of energy followed by extreme lethargy
  • Trouble focusing or concentrating
  • Uncontrollable worry
  • Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or general lack of quality sleep

If you answered “yes” to any of these (or a few), there is a good chance you may be suffering from some form of anxiety and/or a sleep disorder, such as insomnia. The two can often go hand in hand.

It’s difficult to fall asleep when your mind is racing, and you’re feeling anxious. Perhaps you lay there trying to analyze and overanalyze events or things that many may otherwise consider trivial. 

The good news is, there are numerous ways to treat and manage anxiety and panic. With your anxieties under control, you may even get a better handle on your sleep habits, assuming they are connected, that is.

While you may listen to music to unwind or practice taking deep breaths, grounding can help improve your overall wellbeing and state of mind, allowing you to conquer anxious thoughts and sleeplessness.

How Do You Ground Yourself with Anxiety?

How Do You Ground Yourself with Anxiety?

Let’s focus solely on anxiety or panic for now. When you start to feel your panic attacks coming on, what do you do? Do you fear for the worst? Are you taking medication? Do you have physical sensations or negative thoughts? 

While symptoms and treatments can vary from person to person, you will probably agree these episodes can be terrifying, regardless. One free, natural and non-medicated treatment is a technique called grounding.

Grounding is known as connecting to the earth’s natural energy to help restore our body and get our systems back to a state of homeostasis. More specifically, it is the practice of making contact with grass, soil, sand, etc., to utilize the free electrons found therein. 

These free electrons act as antioxidants in the body and improve overall well-being, helping to eliminate nagging aches and pains, and yes, reducing anxieties and sleeplessness.

The list goes on and on! So if you’re interested in getting started with grounding, try a few of these grounding techniques and begin reaping the benefits immediately. 

grounding for relaxation to stop stress

What Are Some Popular Grounding Techniques?

With most health issues, it is a best practice to consult a physician for medical advice, before routinely engaging in a new protocol, however, , these techniques work in cases that do not require approval from medical professional.

That said, you can try grounding risk-free by going for a barefoot stroll across your favorite park or in your own backyard. Invest in some HARMONY783 grounding shoes, and you can be grounding with every step while walking or standing on grounding surfaces!

You can also use those adrenaline-fueled anxious feelings to engage in healthier activities, like jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups—take your pick, or do them all! Just make sure to get your workout in on the grass, or you can get a grounding mat and use it as you would for yoga or any bodyweight movements.

Grounding can also be achieved in natural waters, like lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and the oceans! Not only are you cooling off— but you are also helping your wellbeing to combat anxiety and negative stress.

You can also couple your grounding mat, socks, shoes, or swimming spot with mindfulness techniques and exercises.

relaxing outside helps relieve stress and anxiety

Here is an example of one such exercise. It’s called the 5-4-3-2-1 technique, and it uses your five senses to bring you back to the present:

  • Get to your favorite spot – wherever you’re grounding gear is. Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose for 3 seconds and then exhale through your mouth for 3 seconds.
  • Once your breathing is steady, open your eyes and name five things you can see.
  • Then name four things you can feel (from your shirt to your hair to the fabric of your sheets or chair to feeling calm).
  • Next up: 3 things you can hear – Wind? Music? Chirping birds?
  • Now two things you can smell… maybe flowers or fresh cut grass (if there’s nothing in the present moment, name two of your favorite smells).
  • Finally, name one thing you can taste (again, if nothing, think about your favorite tastes, strawberries, watermelon, chocolate…mmmm).

End on more deep breathing and see if you don’t feel a sense of improvement, mind and body and better about your current situation. Couple this meditation in motion with your favorite earthing techniques and you will be able to feel stresses dissolve. 

Sleep, and Grounding Have in Common?

How Do You Ground Yourself to Improve Your Sleeping?

Chances are, if you’re dealing with anxiety you may also be suffering from insomnia or some other sleep disorder. Instead of reaching for the prescription sleep aids, try to incorporate more earthing into your pre-bedtime routine. 

One hour to 30 minutes before bed, head outside with your favorite book and reading light and find a comfy spot in the yard, and sit barefoot in a grassy area. Read until your eyes are heavy, or make your earthing a time to practice daily journaling. You can get your thoughts out on paper instead of keeping them inside, where they may ruminate.

And, of course, you can always invest in a grounding mat. According to this article from the National Library of Medicine, grounding for sleep decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol. You can find these mats at Grounded.com – just search “grounding mats.”

There are grounding mats designed for you to sleep on and still practice earthing while you sleep. 

Consider other alternatives as well. For example, you can place your grounding mat on your favorite chair and make this your “earthing/meditation” command center. Just grab a seat, get comfy, and practice mindfulness techniques to help you relax. Now you are getting in your daily earthing while finishing that book, writing that journal entry, or visualizing positive thoughts.

Dealing with anxiety and sleeplessness can make us feel less in control, fatigued and physically exhausted.

Grounding can be practiced in many ways to alleviate stress and sleep disorders, whether through connecting to the earth, or through mindfulness techniques, meditation, grounding mats, or by wearing grounding shoes, it may very well be the all-natural remedy you’ve been searching for to put you at ease.